Mardi Gras at Las Lomas
The Mardi Gras celebration, also known as "Fat Tuesday", is an event which took place on February 28, 2017. It is celebrated in many...

Grad Requirements Change for Next Year's Sophomores
Next school year, more changes are coming to Las Lomas in addition to block schedule, especially for sophomores. While freshman P.E....
A Day in Yerba Buena
1. Chronicle Books Chronicle books offers a quiet atmosphere to the curious and intrigued. It’s open, warm and inviting but paired with...

Feminist Advocates Join Forces at the Las Lomas Feminist Society
This school year the Las Lomas Feminist Society emerged as a powerful and dynamic club. This club was created by sophomores Zoe Larkin...

Annual Art Magazine Calling all Artists, Writers, and Poets
T. Saran Sophmore Zoe Larkin and Junior C.J. Cabungal, shown here at a writers’ club meeting, are two of the students behind the Las...

Being a Fan When Your Team Sucks
My family being originally from Chicago, has made me a supporter of all Chicago teams. Chicago, like many other cities’ teams, has its...

Wrestlers Thrive in Winter Season
courtesey of Leslie Dalton The Las Lomas wrestling team is on the rise and won the Battle of the Creek match vs Northgate. with the final...

Success in First Round of NCS for Boy's and Girl's Soccer
courtesy of Jessica Freels On Wednesday, Feb. 15, the boy's soccer team played their first round of NCS at 5:00 pm against Windsor High...

Valentine's Day at Las Lomas
This Valentine's Day was the sixth year that Las Lomas has embraced the holiday with much love and appreciation with valegrams, songs...

Fujiwara Follows Footsteps of Elders as Only Freshman on Varsity
courtesy of Uki Fujiwara Uki Fujiwara, here with Mackenzie Patterson, was the only freshman on the varsity soccer team this season. Uki...