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Mardi Gras at Las Lomas

The Mardi Gras celebration, also known as "Fat Tuesday", is an event which took place on February 28, 2017. It is celebrated in many places all over the world, mainly in New Orleans and France. The celebration involves eating rich, fatty foods before fasting. This holiday first arrived to the United States as a French Catholic Tradition, mainly celebrated in the Louisiana Territory. The Mardi Gras celebration proceeded spread all over the country, and is now celebrated in most major cities.

The Las Lomas Mardi Gras celebration is a spectacular event that French students set up and participate in. Weeks before each celebration, French students get to develop and prepare a skit or song that represents French culture. They also get to decorate the cafeteria with Mardi Gras decorations and balloons. At the party there was a plethora of food to eat, ranging from chocolate dipped strawberries to brie cheese.

"Three cafeteria tables were filled with various French foods, like brie and croissants. There was so much food, I was completely full after my second plate," said Sasha Plashchinsky, who is currently a freshman in French 2.

After eating, students grouped by class performed their skits. The French 1 students sang "Je Veux" by Zaz with live saxophone and guitar. French 2 did a comical dance to the song "I Like to Move It", which reflected their Madagascar theme. French 3 also danced. French 4 did a short skit on "Aladdin". AP French danced to French music from over the decades. "Everyone was all super good!" exclaimed Mrs. Mona, the French teacher and head of the Mardi Gras celebration, shortly after all the skits were presented.

"Everyone did pretty good on the skit. I liked the freshman because they used instruments like the saxophone and guitar and combined it with vocals. Saharuss's performance on the saxophone combined with Mylo's Guitar was on point," said RJ Rigisich, who is currently in French 2.

When the end of the Mardi Gras celebration drew near, roses were given to Mrs. Mona, which had been a tradition for many years.

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