New Era, New Coach
Coach Doug Longero is considered the greatest Las Lomas football coach of all time, coaching from 1999-2012 with a career record of...

How to spend your day in the Castro & Mission District
1. Hot Cookie 407 Castro St, San Francisco, CA 94114 Hot Cookie is home to possibly the best chocolate chip cookie I’ve ever tasted in my...

Album Reviews Rainbow by Kesha On July 6th, 2017, Kesha broke her silence and dropped a song called “Praying” then releasing one more...

HeLLa Wasps
As seniors grab their chairs from the 100 wing and walk to the senior lawn, they are excited to devour their lunches and catch up with...

Ethnic Cleansing and Refugee Crisis Wreaks Havoc in Burma and Bangladesh
In recent months, the world has been captivated by ethnic cleansing in Burma (officially referred to as Myanmar) perpetrated by the...
Behind the Scenes of Senior Homecoming
Float Mock Rock Synchro #seniors

Which Club is For You? : Meet the Clubs of Las Lomas High School
Students signing up for clubs at Club Rush. Photos by Colin Stoelk Armenian Club Leader(s): Valerie Alexanian When: Thursdays at lunch in...

Face-off: Kneeling During the National Anthem
Kylia Blackstock and Marcus Lin face-off and debate kneeling during the national anthem. Listen to both sides and hear what they have to...
It Movie Review
It is a film adaptation of Stephen King’s classic novel of the same name. It’s directed by Andy Muschietti and stars Jaeden Lieberher as...
Black Student Union Fashion Show Photos
#fashion #clubs