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It Movie Review

It is a film adaptation of Stephen King’s classic novel of the same name. It’s directed by Andy Muschietti and stars Jaeden Lieberher as Bill Denbrough, an optimistic and courageous boy living in a small, remote town that's been terrorized by a demonic entity known as ‘IT’ for centuries.

Director Andy Muschietti stayed true to the novels and created a dark, gritty screenplay that combines elements of dread, shock, and horror to create a masterpiece that will leave any audience speechless by the end. The cast was perfect; Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise the Dancing Clown was amazing, but it was the strong cast of supporting actors, such as Finn Wolfhard and Jeremy Ray Taylor, that really enriched the experience.

Anyone who’s read anything by Stephen King knows he’s not afraid to be violent, and somewhat gruesome at times. Neither is Muschietti, much to the enjoyment of long-time fans of the series. From mangled corpses to public torture, It delivers to those looking for a slasher flick while simultaneously conferring a ruthless, chilling story.

With a run time of two hours and fifteen minutes, It manages to keep an even, fluid flow with very few down times. While most people will simply watch and enjoy the movie, serious fans will be perplexed by the complexity and dimensional depth of the plot.

I think it’s safe to say anyone who’s a fan of Stephen King or even the horror genre in general, will be delighted to see that this movie has more than lived up to it’s hype and I’d definitely say it’s worth a watch.

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