Isaiah Newell, A Knight to Remember
M Lin. Being a new kid is awfully hard, especially on the first day of freshman year: seeing new faces, creating friendships, what about...

A Blast from the Past: Classic Movie Reviews
Adventures in Babysitting With knife wielding train rides, climbing up ducts, and even a few crazy car thieves, Adventures in Babysitting...
Homecoming Game Highlights 2017
#football #hoco

“A new era has begun”
On a hot August night in Walnut Creek California, the Knights were able to experience a feeling they hadn’t felt in 722 days: a football...

A Forgotten War: The Labor History of San Francisco
I. Bartling Looking up at the skyscrapers piercing San Francisco’s skies and hearing fleets of cars driven by Uber and Lyft drivers, one...

Team USA Goes Greek
Hellas! Hellas! Hellas! The roar of the fans cheering for the Greek National Team in the championship game against the Russian National...

Why Are Freshman Getting 1:1 Chromebooks?
For the first time ever, Las Lomas has provided each freshman with their own Chromebook. Students are responsible for their device and...

The Media Has It Wrong
Media coverage on the days following the tragic events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia was dominated by the same language....

The Rise of Hate Groups In the 21st Century
Over the course of American history oppression has been accompanied with the presence of terrorist and hate groups. The abolition of...
More Room In Your Favorite Pizzeria
More pizza is coming to you. PanCoast Pizza business on the corner of South Main St. and Lilac Dr., but it will not remain small for much...