Why Are Freshman Getting 1:1 Chromebooks?
For the first time ever, Las Lomas has provided each freshman with their own Chromebook. Students are responsible for their device and...

More Room In Your Favorite Pizzeria
More pizza is coming to you. PanCoast Pizza business on the corner of South Main St. and Lilac Dr., but it will not remain small for much...
HeLLa Wasps
As seniors grab their chairs from the 100 wing and walk to the senior lawn, they are excited to devour their lunches and catch up with...

Ethnic Cleansing and Refugee Crisis Wreaks Havoc in Burma and Bangladesh
In recent months, the world has been captivated by ethnic cleansing in Burma (officially referred to as Myanmar) perpetrated by the...
Behind the Scenes of Senior Homecoming
Float Mock Rock Synchro #seniors

Which Club is For You? : Meet the Clubs of Las Lomas High School
Students signing up for clubs at Club Rush. Photos by Colin Stoelk Armenian Club Leader(s): Valerie Alexanian When: Thursdays at lunch in...

Black Student Union Fashion Show Photos
#fashion #clubs

Las Lomas Classic Car Show 2017
photos by Izzy Bartling, Cassidy Carlberg, and Colin Stoelk On Saturday Sept. 16 from 10 am to 2 pm the Las Lomas Classic Car Show took...

Latino Heritage Week in Photos
On Monday students engaged with their elected representatives and wrote postcards in the rally court in defense of DACA to congress....

Offensive Graffiti Found in Boy’s Restroom
On Monday, Sept. 11, offensive graffiti written in black sharpie was found in the boy’s bathroom in the 300 wing at Las Lomas High...