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More Room In Your Favorite Pizzeria

More pizza is coming to you. PanCoast Pizza business on the corner of South Main St. and Lilac Dr., but it will not remain small for much longer. “We are going to double the seating and have some new menu items,” said Bob Pancoast, owner of PanCoast pizza, about the expansion of his business. The small establishment known as PanCoast is finally going to have more seating for its customers.

“I’m glad that it’s finally expanding. It was too good to only be in one place,” said sophomore Zan Lederer said in response to hearing about the growth of PanCoast. Along with creating more room for customers and food, the expansion will ultimately increase the amount of business PanCoast will receive.

Bob Pancoast aspires to take his business a step further with the development since he has reached maximum capacity at his small restaurant. With a larger restaurant, a larger kitchen will be constructed, which will include a walk-in refrigerator. Bob Pancoast is planning to extend his establishment over into the store next to it, previously a tailor, and combine the two into one big pizzeria.

“From what I’ve heard, he was good friends with the guy that owned the place, so they gave him the space, so they are going to expand into that,” said senior Sam Zavala, also an employee at PanCoast Pizza.

The actual construction is planned to begin sometime within the next 6 months. While the enlargement is occurring, the restaurant is going to have to close for at least a month. “I believe that it is a great move for panCoast... if they continue to expand they will be popular and gain a great number of customers from all over,” said sophomore Devrim Eryurek about the development of panCoast. After everything’s said and done, there are going to be a few more jobs that PanCoast will offer, such as a server or cook.

Along with jobs, Pancoast is planning to add items such as philly cheese steaks to its menu after the enlargement. In the future, there is the big possibility of there being multiple PanCoast locations maybe even outside of Walnut Creek. Employees say when you look on the ceiling above the kitchen there appears to be a half pizza, and when the expansion occurs, then the pizza will be complete on the other side.

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