Isaiah Newell, A Knight to Remember

M Lin.
Being a new kid is awfully hard, especially on the first day of freshman year: seeing new faces, creating friendships, what about becoming a star football player? Isaiah Newell definitely accomplished that part.
Many people know him as the class clown and the highlight of their day. “Isaiah is a really funny guy and he’s really good at dancing,” said best friend, Jayden Duffy, a sophomore at Las Lomas High School. Always wearing Nike slides and sweats, Isaiah is ready for anything life throws at him.
Newell was born in Columbus, Ohio. He moved to Pleasant Hill, California when he was very young. He lived there with his mom and brother until 2016, when he moved to Walnut Creek. Newell left his friends at Pleasant Hill Middle School in eighth-grade because his mom, Robin, decided that his future high school education at Ygnacio Valley High school would not be very good.
Newell’s mother is his rock, his number one supporter his since his father passed away. “We’ve been through a lot together. She’s very strong,” said Newell.

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When Newell was four, he started to play for the Walnut Creek Marauders--a youth football program for kids PreK-8th. “I liked playing for the marauders because I got the ball a lot and it helped me be prepared for high school football,” said Newell.
He played up until eighth grade and met Jayden during his many years with the Marauders. Now playing for varsity as a sophomore, Newell’s confidence has increased. Newell wanted to shout out his coach Doug Longero for his help and reassurance. “He’s pushed me to limits I didn’t even know I could reach,” said Newell.
Wanting to pursue a football career, Newell hopes to go to Ohio State University. “I want to go back home, to play football, to see my family,” said Newell.
After college, if he doesn’t go into the NFL, he wants to become a lawyer. “I’m very good at arguing...I have persuasive ways,” said Newell. He wants a steady job so that he can support his mother in the future. He would like to to live in L.A., New York, or stay in Ohio.
Newell is very determined to craft a career by playing the game that he loves, starting with football.