Self Identification and Privilege
Identity is comprised of multiple aspects and angles of self that adds to the complexities of humans. Anything from race to gender to...
The Fear of Growing Up
“Your dad is a d—. Don’t follow in his footsteps,” my mother often says. I don’t take her bonuses to buy a new car, and I don’t go on...
Experience the Beautiful Confusion
Over the four-day President's Day weekend, I was in another world: Mexico City. It's one of the most populous cities in the world, with...

Do You Think White Guilt Is a Good Thing?
When I first approached this story, it was going to be about privilege and my experiences being on both sides of it. When I talked to...

Could a Second Cold War Happen?
S. Mogilevets Sasha Mogilevets and her friend Yara with Yara’s aunt, Anya, near the Krasnoya Oblast in Moscow, Russia. The summer of...

Don't Bite the Hands That Feed You
According to the state Department of Food and Agriculture, over a third of the country’s vegetables and two-thirds of the country’s...
A “Happy” Medium For Tax Payers and Undocumented Immigrants
People who entered the country illegally shouldn’t receive the same benefits as legal citizens. Illegal immigration places a heavy toll...
Is Flag Burning an Effective Form of Protest?
YES “An incredibly poignant and concise way of criticizing America” The American flag is not just a flag. It’s representational, a symbol...

Got to Do the Cooking by the Book
Cooking has been in my family for a long time. My father has cooked for me and my family for as long as I can remember and every time a...

Being a Fan When Your Team Sucks
My family being originally from Chicago, has made me a supporter of all Chicago teams. Chicago, like many other cities’ teams, has its...