Why Making Gun Control Laws Stricter Simply Won't Work
The second amendment of our constitution states that “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the...

Mandarin at Las Lomas
Starting during the 2018-19 school year, there will be a new language class being taught at Las Lomas that every student can take. Most...
Make Your Own Prom Dress
The 2018 prom season has come and gone. Back when the anticipation was looming in the air I was asked by friends, family members and...

Romanticism of Mass Murderers in the Age of Social Media
The age of social media has led to the inception of the age of complex connections. With access to information easily available for all,...

I’m a Democrat. And I oppose impeaching Trump. Here's Why.
Since Donald Trump’s election in November 2016, numerous Democrats have strongly advocated for the impeachment of Donald Trump based on...

Donald Trump’s First Year In Office
Looking back on Donald Trump’s first year in office, it is clear he has done numerous things to assist the United States in being the...
Women Have the Right to Choose
Abortion is “the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.” Although this...
A Cup of Hate
In early December of 2017, a Korean exchange student and her tutor were verbally assaulted in a local Walnut Creek Starbucks. The...

Never Fully Dressed Without... Accessories
C. Cabungcal and C. Mullins For many students the morning routine is simple: wake up, shower, throw some clothes on, eat, go to school....

Eat Eastern
The Western diet is spreading rapidly throughout the world. Today most Americans consume a daily 500 calories more than in 1970. In the...