Remember your elementary school years? Dressing up as a princess or a pirate? Running around playing tag or make believe? There is a...

Hold the Galaxy, or Have an Apple?
In the world of cellular technology there are two types of people, Apple users and Android users. Both Types of cell phones are...

The Media Has It Wrong
Media coverage on the days following the tragic events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia was dominated by the same language....

The Rise of Hate Groups In the 21st Century
Over the course of American history oppression has been accompanied with the presence of terrorist and hate groups. The abolition of...
Face-off: Kneeling During the National Anthem
Kylia Blackstock and Marcus Lin face-off and debate kneeling during the national anthem. Listen to both sides and hear what they have to...
We're more divided now than we've ever been before. Some people will claim that we should push towards unity, that we would be stronger...
The Problem of Universals
In metaphysics, a subcategory of philosophy that deals with the fundamental nature of reality, there’s a question called “the problem of...

The Factor of Financial Aid
L. Kozlowski Posing with her new college apparel Juliana Filipenko is eager to attend UCSD in the fall. When the time comes for a senior...

Which School Schedule Works the Best?
In today’s world one of the most debated topics in the realm of education is the difference between year round schedules and traditional...
The Influence of Gender and Parents
Gender stereotypes don’t have to define your behavior. All genders should be able to enjoy all aspects of certain gender specific...