Senior Strength Produces Success
From back-to-back undefeated seasons in middle school, to blowing out opponents by an average of 15 points per game this season, this...

A Few of the Tattoos on the LL Campus
Tattoos are the rage at Las Lomas. Some students have several tattoos that are dedicated to either their family or close friends. Parents...

Behind the Class of 2018
Colette Shaw: Volunteer at John Muir’s house Q: How did you become involved with the National Park Service? A: I took a class at DVC in...

Las Lomas Scholar Athletes
Max Holm- Princeton Max grew up with golf because of his dad, but he really began playing competitively around age 10 or 11. In the...

Team USA Goes Greek
Hellas! Hellas! Hellas! The roar of the fans cheering for the Greek National Team in the championship game against the Russian National...

Behind the Scenes of Senior Homecoming
Float Mock Rock Synchro #seniors

Las Lomas Classic Car Show 2017
photos by Izzy Bartling, Cassidy Carlberg, and Colin Stoelk On Saturday Sept. 16 from 10 am to 2 pm the Las Lomas Classic Car Show took...

Senior Artwork for The Graduate
Katrine Kirsebom- Self-Portrait Anna-Sofia Giannicola- Inside... Dee Jay Cerezo- The Unicorn Justin Li- In a sea of information......

Students Take Gap Year for Global Adventures
As the end of Las Lomas’s second semester approaches, our senior class will soon be graduating. Most of our graduating class will be...

Senior Ball 2017
courtesy of Mary Louie On Saturday May 20th Senior Ball was held at the San Francisco Regency Ballroom from 8:00 to 11:30 pm. Before the...