Japanese Legacy Project

Jean Cheng and Sarah Chow
A few weeks ago seniors Sarah Chow and Jean Cheng built a small and tranquil garden for their Japanese Legacy Project in the 600 wing.
"[The garden] was for a Japanese Legacy Project, Sarah came up with the idea for the garden and it ended up looking like that. We were going to make it look a lot different but we had limited resources and time," said Cheng.
Cheng and Chow came up with the idea for their garden sophomore year.
"I started Japanese sophomore year and I had no idea what the Japanese Legacy Project was but Jean told me about it and she also mentioned the idea of doing the garden," said Chow.
As a class, Japanese 4 students will leave a legacy for future students to enjoy based off of Japanese culture through their projects.
"It's basically in Japanese 4 you come up with a project to leave for the classroom for future students," said Cheng.
Many of the items and decor in the classroom was built by students for their projects.
"The podium and stool in the class was made by a student, basically any cabinets, the window art, the giant posters, they were all legacy projects," said Chow.
These two Japanese 4 students hope that their garden will inspire future generations.
"I think for me I want future students to build off of this, there's not much back here. If we could build off our small thing and make it bigger it would kind of represent right now how Japanese as a class is really unique," said Cheng.