Thoughts on the Block Schedule
Q: Did you enjoy the trial block schedule? A: “I think it was definitely more relaxing and I think that’s what they were going for.”...

Could a Second Cold War Happen?
S. Mogilevets Sasha Mogilevets and her friend Yara with Yara’s aunt, Anya, near the Krasnoya Oblast in Moscow, Russia. The summer of...

Seeing Double?
Twins Travis and Kelly Cox pose on their first day of junior year. Courtesy of Erin Cox Bonds are strong between twins, they have room to...

Star Volleyball Players Shine on Las Lomas’ Varsity Team
Senior Joe Wood Two star volleyball players that have truly stood out on Las Lomas’ boys varsity team are senior team captain Joe Wood...

Planned Parenthood
“In December, the Department of Health and Human Services finalized a rule that would prohibit states from withholding federal funds from...
Shoes, You’re Probably Wearing Them
It’s a world literally under your nose. Shoes, the accessory is more utilitarian than social to most, but to us it’s a social hobby. A...

How Does the Middle East Ban Affect Students
Global backlash has occurred in the result of Trump’s first travel ban on seven Middle Eastern countries. Statistically, no deaths have...

The Drought Situation
For more than five years, California has been running low on water supply. But with the recent heavy rainfall, is the drought over? “This...
Solar Eclipse
At the most recent board meeting here at Las Lomas, astronomer Paul Kalas argued that next year’s school calendar should be changed...
Las Lomas Students Perform at Carnegie Hall
Courtesy of Timmy Grabow From the 18,000 students around the world who auditioned for the 600 spots in the High School Honors Performance...