
Enzo Gravino #2
Driven by his enjoyment of hitting,senior Enzo Gravino first started playing baseball at the young age of four years old. “I like diving for ground balls and tagging people out during the game.” The shortstop player says, describing his favorite thing about the position he plays. As this is his last year at Las Lomas, Gravino is not sure yet if he wants to play baseball in college. He will miss the team bondings and his pre game prep of playing catch with his teammate, fellow senior, Cole Lipelt.
Dominic Barker #25
For freshman Dominic Barker, baseball has been a large aspect of his life since five years old when he started playing. “My favorite part about baseball is that it’s a team sport and everyone needs to do their part to be successful,” says Barker. As an outfielder, Barker focuses on catching fly balls. While also playing basketball, Barker says he would enjoy playing baseball in college and that he would want to play at Arizona.
Brian Gregerson #8
At the age of five, junior Brian Gregerson began playing baseball, inspired by his older brother who played baseball. As a first baseman, Gregerson enjoys all of the action that comes to the base, dedicating all his time to only playing baseball, because of the competition that comes with the sport. “My favorite memory while playing at Las Lomas is playing at Raley Field, the San Francisco Giants triple A’s team’s field my freshman year,” says Gregerson.

Dominic Gravino #7
Starting off his baseball experience with tee ball at the age of six, sophomore Dominic Gravino is driven by his love for the feeling of when his team wins a game. “My best memory from Las Lomas baseball is when one of the games we played last year where we scored 20 runs.” Gravino recalls. As a shortstop player, Gravino enjoys his position “because you get a lot of action.”
Jack McCullar #28
Starting off with just a glove his dad bought him when he was four, junior Jack McCullar, began playing baseball at a young age and hasn’t stopped since. McCullar, a varsity catcher, likes his position because he is always doing something on the field. But when it comes to what his favorite thing about the sport in general is, hitting takes the lead. “I like hitting because I like the feeling of when I hit the ball and it comes off my bat,” says McCullar.
Andrew LaCour #14
“My favorite thing about my position I play is that I am the person who controls the game and striking people out is one of the most satisfying things for me.” says sophomore pitcher, Andrew LaCour. Before games, LaCour always eats Asian food, such as rice balls, and always has a beef stick and a Snickers. Starting when he was ten years old, LaCour currently is only focusing on baseball, hoping to get into one of his dream schools, LSU, Cal, or Vanderbilt, for baseball.
Dylan Graham #6
For junior Dylan Graham, playing baseball is a result of a longtime interest, beginning when he was a kid, at the age of five to be exact. Graham is a center fielder on the varsity baseball team and says that his favorite thing to do while playing that position is making dive catches. “I have to be mentally tough because if I make a mistake I won’t get another chance to make it up for a couple innings, so I need to forget the mistakes and move on,” said Graham, describing his favorite thing about the sport.