Locker Room Vandalism

A few weeks before winter break, the girls locker room was broken into and multiple lockers were left vandalized. Makeup bags and other valuables were stolen. “It must have been a couple of weeks before break,” said Assistant Principal David Granzotto. “There was some concern that it wasn’t a student, that someone was coming in at night because it happened all at night.” It is believed that the vandalizer was trying to steal from the lockers, as they were found in a damaged state.
In response to the attempted vandalism, the school has begun taking steps to better-protect the locker room. “We’ve already taken some steps to make sure that no one can access that room at night. We were concerned that people were coming in through the windows and we had those fixed and we increased the supervision during class periods to make sure it wasn’t a kid,” said Mr. Granzotto. “But the general consensus was it wasn’t a kid.”
The vandalized lockers have holes in them that the culprit made to remove the stolen valuables. The targeted lockers are spread out through the locker room instead being close by each other. The WCPD (Walnut Creek Police Department) only recently received news about the incident and is currently investigating the matter.