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What’s Your New Years Resolution?


Create a guitar journal. - anonymous

To live to my fullest and cherish time with family and friends. - anonymous

Go on a bucket list worth adventure. - Dylan West

Eat more delicious junk food. Exercise more often. - anonymous

Don’t get sick the whole year. - Jessie Mele

To do more cardio. - Mr. Bremer

To keep practicing for lacrosse and to get better everyday. - Bailey Rios

Floss… - anonymous

To go to the gym more often. - Cait Mendessohn

Go camping in the wilderness more this year.- Gabe Fernandez

Continue trying hard in school and study more.- Mimi Coppersmith

Build a treehouse in my backyard.- anonymous

Enjoy the little things. - Savrene Dudwal

Be more selfish. Stop sacrificing my mental health for others. Put myself first more often. - Sienna Terry

To lose 15 pounds and be more active. - anonymous

Eat healthier. - Mr. Speir

Stop biting nails. - anonymous

Improve both my skateboarding abilities and mental health. - Cali Lopes

I want to be able to juggle 3 apples. -Donny Nicol

To be the best person I can be this year. - Kayan Amani-taleshi

Accept myself. - Komal Sethi

To stay positive and to try my hardest. - Alexa Sabatte

Do things that make me happy. -Kyra Glass

Use my phone less. - anonymous

To get all A’s this semester.- Jack McCullar

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