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iPhone X Review

As cliche as it sounds the future of technology is now. On September 12, a little over a month ago, Apple announced 3 new phones that would be coming to shelves later this year. These phones include the iPhone 8, which will cost $699, the iPhone 8 Plus, which will cost $799 and the iPhone X, which is going to retail for $999. We’re not here to talk about the 8 and 8 Plus; instead, we’re here to talk about what millions are people are looking forward to: the release of the iPhone X. Apple’s most “creative” phone yet, and here’s why.

Let’s start off with some of the all new key features of the device. One of the most notable changes is that the home button is GONE. This shows that Apple wants their products to start evolving to something more advanced. The home button has been here since the very first iPhone, and getting rid of it is a big step in the right direction. There will be option for wireless charging, which is done by simply placing the phone flat on a pedestal-like charger. You can use your own face to unlock your iPhone.

Let’s get technical. The iPhone X has a sizable 5.8” OLED display with rounded corners and a cutting edge A11 Bionic Processor that is faster and better than anything that’s been used in iPhones before. You can choose a storage capacity of 64GB or a whopping 256GB. The phone is 5.65” long, 2.79” wide, .30” depth, and weighs only 6.14 ounces. The camera changing as well. It will be using a six element lens that allows you to zoom up to 10x with perfect quality, you can tap to focus, reduces noise and there are many new features that allow you to tweak the way you take pictures. You can take 4k videos at 24, 30, and 60fps and 1080p HD video recording at 30 or 60fps.

The iPhone X has as built in lithium-ion battery that lasts about 2 hours longer than the iPhone 7. To give the audience a visual of how long it will last, Apple stated that the battery can last for 21 hours while talking, 12 hours while on the internet, 13 hours of wireless video playback and up to 60 hours of audio playback. It can be charged from 0% to 50% in 30 minutes, so it is safe to assume that it can be charged to full in about an hour.

A survey of 1,386 people show that the iPhone is the most popular of the most recent iPhones. 54% plan to buy the X, 34% want the iPhone 8 or 8 Plus, 12% specified other. This shows that people are fine with paying 200 or 300 dollars more for the fullest iPhone experience. Another survey shows that the majority of people are fine with spending $1150 for the 256GB iPhone X. Yet another survey asking what patron’s favorite new feature of the device shows that people are the most excited for wireless charging, at 46%, facial recognition at 24%, attractive design at 14%, AR/VR capabilities at 9%, and others at 7%.

The X has a large amount of new features and a completely different design, but is the $1000 price tag worth it? It depends on what kind of person you are. If you are the kind of person who is never satisfied with technology and money isn’t an issue, then it’s the best phone for you, but I suspect the average person would be better off with an iPhone 8 or 8 Plus. I, personally, would not buy it because it costs a lot extra for a few new features, as neat as they are. Overall, it’s an amazing state of the art phone, but it’s too expensive for the average student.

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