Las Lomas Volunteer Fair

On Tuesday, November 15, representatives from different community service organizations came to Las Lomas to recruit students to help in upcoming volunteer events.
According to College and Career Counselor Ellen Smith, the Volunteer Fair started 3 or 4 years ago.
“It’s an event that is sponsored by CSF, the California Scholarship Federation, and it’s one of the service activities that we try to do,” she said.
Junior Ava Johnson is the chair of the program.
“I did it because I think it’s important for the Las Lomas students to get involved in our community by providing volunteer time to help those in need,” she said. “Also, it’s an opportunity for the seniors to get ideas for completing their mandatory 10 hours of community service for graduation.”
The organizations present were the Walnut Creek Education Foundation, the Contra Costa Food Bank, Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice, Boys Team Charity, Walnut Creek Historical Society, CC Interfaith Housing, JDRF East Bay and the White Pony Express.
“It’s an event that I really believe in because i think it’s sort of a win-win,” said Smith. “Students can give back to the community and then students can also learn skills, and when students are seniors and have to write their college applications and it asks what have you done for the community, or their scholarship applications, they have something to say. And these organizations are run by volunteers, so they don’t have money to pay people to get things done and they need labor. They need help. They need people to do things.”
“Out of this experience, I have learned how to project plan, organize teams, and collaborate and communicate with people within the school and outside in our community,” said Johnson. “It has been a great leadership experience!”
“Lots of different groups have different interests, and so there’s something that fits any student might have an interest in,” said Smith.